Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Morning Glory pool

Diposkan oleh DaRaSya di 5:38 AM

 Morning Glory pool di Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Amerika bisa berubah-ubah warna. Mulai dari biru, hijau, kuning, oranye, cokelat, samapi tembaga. Makanya Morning glory pool ini dikenal denan sebutan kolam 1000 wajah. Perubahan warna tersebut dikarenakan adanya sejumlah bakteri yang menetap di mata air yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1880-an ini.

    Morning Glory pool in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA can change color. Ranging from blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, copper till. Hence Morning glory pool is known primarily to the title with 1000 faces. The color change is due to the number of bacteria that live in the springs that have been around since the 1880's this.

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